Genki Grammar #82: Mastering “Three Times a Week”

Illustration showing a cycle with an hourglass in the center, surrounded by symbols representing activities like studying, hiking, and cleaning. This image represents the structure "(period) に (frequency)" used to express how often activities occur in a given time period.
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In Japanese, you can describe how often you do something by using a specific structure. This is useful when you want to talk about routines or how frequently certain events happen. In this post, we will learn how to express frequency over a period of time.

What It Means

To describe how often something happens, you use the structure “(period) に (frequency).” This translates to “X times per period” in English. It helps you communicate routines and habits clearly.

When You Use It

You use this structure when you want to say how many times something happens within a certain period, like once a week or twice a month.


Let’s look at some examples to understand how this works:


(Isshuukan ni nankai souji o shimasu ka?)
How many times a week do you clean?


(Watashi wa isshuukan ni ikkai souji o shimasu.)
I clean once a week.

(Ichinichi sanjikan gurai nihongo o benkyou shimasu.)
I study Japanese for about 3 hours a day.

(Ikkagetsu ni ichi, ni kai haikingu shimasu.)
I hike once or twice a month.


Remember that the pattern is “(period) に (frequency).” This structure can be used for various activities, such as studying, exercising, or any other regular event. The period could be a day, week, month, or year, and the frequency can vary depending on the activity.


Mastering how to express frequency in Japanese will help you talk about your routines and habits more naturally.

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