Genki Grammar #25: Mastering と (to)

This image shows a man and a woman holding hands while holding a wooden ampersand (&) symbol. This image illustrates one of the uses of Genki Grammar #25 (と), specifically the "together with" usage.
Photo by Tyler Nix on Unsplash


In this post, we will learn about the particle と (to). This particle is very useful in Japanese and has two main functions. Let’s explore them together!

What it means

The particle と (to) has two main meanings:

  1. Connecting two nouns
  2. Describing “together with” someone

When you use it

  1. Connecting Nouns:
    Use と (to) to connect two nouns. It cannot be used to connect adjectives, verbs, or sentences.


  • 日本語と英語を話します。
    (Nihongo to eigo o hanashimasu.)
    I speak Japanese and English.
  • 東京と横浜に行きました。
    (Tokyo to Yokohama ni ikimashita.)
    I went to Tokyo and Yokohama.
  1. Together With:
    Use と (to) to describe doing something together with someone.


  • マリアさんはりくさんと韓国に行きます。
    (Maria-san wa Riku-san to Kankoku ni ikimasu.)
    Maria will go to Korea with Riku.


Be careful! In Japanese, と (to) is not used like “with” in English when referring to tools or means. We will learn more about this in a future post.


The particle と (to) is essential for connecting nouns and describing actions done together with someone.

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