Genki Grammar #49: Mastering -nai de kudasai

This image illustrates the concept of "nai de kudasai" (please don't) with a sign that says "Please don't touch" in both English and German.
Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash


In this blog, we will learn how to politely ask someone not to do something using the structure -ないでください (-nai de kudasai). This phrase is useful for requesting that others stop doing certain things.

What It Means

The structure Verb (short, negative) + でください (-nai de kudasai) means “Please don’t…”. It is a polite way to ask someone not to do something.

When You Use It 

You use -ないでください when you want to request someone not to perform a certain action. This structure is often more polite and less authoritative than -てはいけません (-te wa ikemasen), which means “You must not…”.


ここで写真を撮らないでください。 (Koko de shashin o toranai de kudasai.) – Please don’t take pictures here.

ドアを開けないでください。 (Doa o akenai de kudasai.) – Please don’t open the door.


-ないでください (-nai de kudasai) is often a better response to a てもいいですか (-te mo iidesu ka) question compared to -てはいけません (-te wa ikemasen), which can sound more commanding.

Example Dialogue (between classmates):

  • A: これを使ってもいいですか。(Koko o tsukatte mo iidesu ka.) – May I use this?
  • B: 使わないでください。(Tsukawa nai de kudasai.) – Please don’t.

Compare: 使ってはいけません。(Tsukatte wa ikemasen.) – You must not use. (Implies authority)


Using -ないでください (-nai de kudasai) is a polite and effective way to request that someone refrain from doing something. It is a softer and more considerate alternative to -てはいけません (-te wa ikemasen).

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