Genki Grammar #59: Mastering Explanation kara, Situation

his image illustrates the use of "から" (kara) in Japanese, showing the example:暑かったから、出かけませんでした。 (Atsukatta kara, dekakemasendeshita.) We didn’t go out because it was hot. (= It was hot; therefore, we didn’t go out.)
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In this blog post, we will learn how to use から (kara) to connect explanations and situations in Japanese. This structure is useful for giving reasons and making logical connections in your sentences.

What It Means

The word から added to a sentence means “because.”

For example: 昼ご飯を食べませんでした。忙しかったですから。 (Hirugohan o tabemasendeshita. Isogashikatta desu kara.) I didn’t have lunch because I was busy.

When You Use It

You can combine two sentences by moving the “explanation + から” sequence to the beginning of the sentence that describes the situation. This order is more like a “therefore” sentence in English than a “because” sentence.


Explanation から、situation。
= situation, because explanation.
= explanation; therefore, situation.


あした試験があるから、勉強しています。 (Ashita shiken ga aru kara, benkyou shiteimasu.) I am studying because we have an exam tomorrow. (= We have an exam tomorrow; therefore, I am studying.)

暑かったから、出かけませんでした。 (Atsukatta kara, dekakemasendeshita.) We didn’t go out because it was hot. (= It was hot; therefore, we didn’t go out.)


Before the conjunction から, you can use both long and short forms. The long form is more polite and is often used in requests and suggestions.


コンサートのチケットがありますから、一緒に見に行きましょう。 (Konsaato no chiketto ga arimasu kara, issho ni mi ni ikimashou.) Let’s go to see a concert because I have tickets.

However, using the long form before から is inappropriate when the entire sentence ends in a short form. For example, it is inappropriate to say: 暑かったですから、出かけなかった。 (Atsukatta desu kara, dekakenakatta.)


Using から to connect explanations and situations helps you create logical and clear sentences in Japanese.

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