Choosing the Right Word #4: Ni vs. De

An illustration showing the difference between "に (ni)" and "で (de)." The top half for "に (ni)" shows a chair in a room and a path between two points, indicating existence and direction. The bottom half for "で (de)" shows people studying and people at a concert, indicating where actions happen. This image explains how "ni" and "de" are used differently in Japanese.
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Learning Japanese involves mastering many particles that can be tricky to differentiate. Two important particles you will encounter are “に (ni)” and “で (de).” Both can indicate locations, but they are used differently. Let’s explore how to use “ni” and “de” correctly.

に (ni)

“に (ni)” is usually used to indicate the location of a person or thing. It shows where someone or something exists. It can also indicate the direction of an action or the goal of movement.

Examples of “に (ni)”:

  • 私は日本住んでいます (Watashi wa Nihon ni sundeimasu.) – I live in Japan.
  • 大使館は東京あります。 (Taishikan wa Tokyo ni arimasu.) – The embassy is in Tokyo.
  • 電車乗ります。 (Densha ni norimasu.) – I get on the train.

In these examples, “ni” is used to show where someone lives, where something is located, and the direction of getting on the train.

で (de)

“で (de)” is used to indicate the place where an action or event occurs. It shows where something happens.

Examples of “で (de)”:

  • コンサートは東京行われる。 (Konsaato wa Tokyo de okonawareru.) – The concert will be held in Tokyo.

In this example, “de” is used to show the place where the concert takes place.


The key difference is that “に (ni)” indicates a location where someone or something exists or the goal of an action, while “で (de)” indicates the location where an action or event occurs.


Understanding when to use “に (ni)” and “で (de)” is important for proper communication in Japanese. Remember, use “に (ni)” to indicate where someone or something exists or the goal of an action, and use “で (de)” to show where an action or event happens.

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