Genki Grammar #136: Mastering -kata

A male traveler holding a suitcase asks the hotel receptionist for directions to the airport. This scene shows the phrase "空港への行き方" (kuukou e no ikikata), meaning "how to get to the airport," in action. The hotel lobby is modern and welcoming.
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In this blog, we will learn about the noun-forming suffix -「kata」 (方). This suffix is very useful in Japanese as it helps you describe “the way” to do something or “how” to perform an action. By the end of this post, you’ll be able to form useful phrases like “how to swim” and “how to use chopsticks” with confidence.

What It Means

The suffix -「kata」 (方) follows the stem of a verb and means “the way in which the action is performed” or “how to do something.”


  • 泳ぐ → 泳ぎ方 (oyogu → oyogikata) – how to swim
  • 考える → 考え方 (kangaeru → kangaekata) – the way people think

When to Use It

Use -「kata」 when you want to explain or ask about how to do something. It works by attaching to the stem of a verb.

Important Note:

If the noun connected to the verb usually has a particle (like を or に), you will often see 「の」 (no) placed before -「kata」.


Simple Examples

  • 漢字を読む → 漢字の読み方 (kanji o yomu → kanji no yomikata) – how to read kanji
  • はしを使う → はしの使い方 (hashi o tsukau → hashi no tsukaikata) – how to use chopsticks
  • 空港に行く → 空港への行き方 (kuukou ni iku → kuukou e no ikikata) – how to get to the airport
  • お風呂に入る → お風呂の入り方 (ofuro ni hairu → ofuro no hairikata) – how to take a bath

Compound Verbs with する (suru)

For verbs like 勉強する (benkyou suru – to study) or 予約する (yoyaku suru – to make a reservation), the pattern changes slightly.

  • 日本語を勉強する → 日本語の勉強のし方 (nihongo o benkyou suru → nihongo no benkyou no shikata) – how to study Japanese
  • ホテルを予約する → ホテルの予約のし方 (hoteru o yoyaku suru → hoteru no yoyaku no shikata) – how to make a hotel reservation


  1. kata is a noun: Because it is a noun, it can be followed by particles like は (wa) and を (o).
    • この野菜の食べ方はいろいろあります。 (kono yasai no tabekata wa iroiro arimasu.) There are many ways to eat this vegetable.
  2. Asking for instructions: You can use -「kata」 when asking someone to teach you how to do something.
    • すみません。この漢字の書き方を教えていただけませんか。 (sumimasen. kono kanji no kakikata o oshiete itadakemasen ka?) Excuse me, can you tell me how to write this kanji?
  3. The particle への (e no): When talking about the goal of movement, use への (e no) instead of に (ni).
    • 空港への行き方 (kuukou e no ikikata) – how to get to the airport


Mastering -「kata」 (方) can make your Japanese sound more natural and help you describe different actions clearly. Whether you’re asking how to write a kanji or explaining how to cook a meal, this suffix is a must-know for learners. Try creating your own examples using -「kata」 and see how many practical phrases you can build!

Recommended Resources

To deepen your understanding of -kata (方) and its role in Japanese grammar, I recommend the book English Grammar for Students of Japanese. This book connects English grammar concepts to Japanese structures, helping learners grasp patterns like -kata easily. With clear examples and simple explanations, it’s a great resource for mastering how to describe actions and processes in Japanese.

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