Genki Grammar #14: Mastering Time References 

This image represents Genki Grammar #14: Mastering Time References. It features a person holding a clock and the Japanese character "に," which is used to indicate time in Japanese sentences.


Understanding time references is essential in mastering Japanese. The particle に (ni) is crucial for expressing specific times and dates. In this post, we’ll learn how to use に with various time expressions to make your Japanese more accurate and natural.

What It Means

The particle に (ni) is used to indicate specific points in time. It’s similar to saying “on,” “at,” or “in” in English.

When You Use It

Use に (ni) with:

Days of the week: “on Sunday”

Numerical time expressions: “at 10:45,” “in September”


日曜日に行きます。 (Nichiyoubi ni ikimasu.) I will go on Sunday.

7時45分に起きます。 (Shichiji yonjuugofun ni okimasu.) I get up at 7:45.

8月に帰ります。 (Hachigatsu ni kaerimasu.) I will go back in September.

When You Don’t Use It

Do not use に (ni) with:

Time expressions related to the present moment: “today,” “tomorrow”

Expressions that describe repeated actions: “every day”

The word for “when”


きょう行きます。 (Kyou ikimasu.) I will go today.

毎朝ニュースを見ます。 (Maiasa nyuusu o mimasu.) I watch the news every morning.

いつ来ますか。 (Itsu kimasu ka.) When will you come?

Optional Usage

You usually don’t use に (ni) with:

Parts of a day: “in the morning,” “at night”

The word for “weekend”

However, depending on style, emphasis, and personal preference, に (ni) can sometimes be used.


朝(に)新聞を読みます。 (Asa (ni) shinbun o yomimasu.) I read a newspaper in the morning.

週末(に)何をしますか。 (Shuumatsu (ni) nani o shimasu ka.) What will you do on weekends?


Mastering the use of に (ni) with time references will help you express when events happen more clearly.

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