Genki Grammar #33: Mastering -te kudasai

 A cute hamster standing on a surface, holding its tiny paws together as if making a polite request. This image represents the Japanese grammatical structure "-てください" (-te kudasai), used to make polite requests.
Photo by Ricky Kharawala on Unsplash


In this lesson, we will learn how to use the -てください (-te kudasai) form to make polite requests in Japanese. This form is essential for asking others to do things in a polite and respectful manner.

What It Means

The -てください (-te kudasai) form is created by combining the te-form of a verb with ください (kudasai), which means “please.” This construction allows you to ask someone to do something for you in a polite way.

When You Use It

Use -てください (-te kudasai) when you want to make a polite request to someone. It is often used in formal or semi-formal situations.


  1. 教科書を読んでください。(Kyoukasho o yonde kudasai.) – Please read the textbook.
  2. すみません。ちょっと教えてください。(Sumimasen. Chotto oshiete kudasai.) – Excuse me. Please teach me a little. (This can also mean “Please tell me” or “I need your advice.”)


If you are talking to a very close friend or a family member, you can use the te-form by itself as a request without ください (kudasai). For example: 窓を開けて。(Mado o akete.) – Open the window, will you?

ください (kudasai) means “please” or “give.” In the -てください (-te kudasai) structure, it means “please.” For example, 教科書を読んでください (Please read the textbook). In other contexts, like 水をください (Mizu o kudasai) – Give me water, it means “give.”


Using -てください (-te kudasai) is a polite and effective way to make requests in Japanese.

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