Genki Grammar #37: Mastering -kara

An image showing a thoughtful man in a suit, with question marks around his head, representing confusion or pondering. Next to him, text reads "SITUATION。EXPLANATION から。" This image demonstrates the structure for using "から" to explain reasons or causes in Japanese sentences.
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In this post, we will learn how to use から (kara) to explain reasons or causes in Japanese. This form is useful for providing explanations for actions, situations, or proposals.

What It Means

The word から (kara) means “because.” It is used to link a reason or cause to a situation or action. The structure of the sentence usually follows this pattern:

(situation)。 (explanation)から。

When You Use It

Use から (kara) when you want to explain why something is happening or why you are doing something. It helps to provide context and reasons for your actions or statements.


  1. 私は今日勉強します。あしたテストがありますから。(Watashi wa kyou benkyou shimasu. Ashita tesuto ga arimasu kara.) – I will study today because we have an exam tomorrow.
  2. 電車に乗りましょう。タクシーは高いですから。(Densha ni norimashou. Takushii wa takai desu kara.) – Let’s go by train because taxis are expensive.


The explanation clause can also come before the situation clause. For example, the first example can be rephrased as:

  • あしたテストがありますから、私は今日勉強します。(Ashita tesuto ga arimasu kara, watashi wa kyou benkyou shimasu.): Because we have an exam tomorrow, I will study today.

We will discuss how to combine two sentences into one using this structure in a future post.


Using から (kara) to explain reasons or causes makes your Japanese clearer and more logical.

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