Genki Grammar #41: Mastering X wa kami ga nagai desu

This image represents the phrase "Xは髪が長いです" (X wa kami ga nagai desu), meaning "X has long hair."
Photo by Rana Sawalha on Unsplash


In this blog, we will learn how to use the structure XはYがAdjective (Adj.)です (X wa Y ga Adjective. desu) to describe someone’s physical features in Japanese.

What It Means

The structure XはYがAdj.です (X wa Y ga Adj. desu) means “As for X, Y is Adj.” It describes a physical feature or characteristic of a person. Y is usually a part of X’s body.

When You Use It

Use this structure when you want to describe the physical features or characteristics of a person.


  1. マリアさんは髪が長いです。(Maria-san wa kami ga nagai desu.) – Maria has long hair.
  2. Aさんは目が大きいです。(A-san wa me ga ookii desu.) – Person A has big eyes.
  3. Aさんは耳が小さいです。(A-san wa mimi ga chiisai desu.) – Person A has small ears.
  4. Aさんは手がかわいいです。(A-san wa te ga kawaii desu.) – Person A has cute hands.
  5. Aさんは足が長いです。(A-san wa ashi ga nagai desu.) – Person A has long legs.

Idiomatic Expressions

  1. 背が高い (se ga takai) – is tall
  2. 背が低い (se ga hikui) – is short
  3. 頭がいい (atama ga ii) – is bright/smart

These idiomatic expressions are set phrases commonly used in Japanese. Unlike other adjectives, you cannot easily replace the body part in these phrases (e.g., you cannot say 目が高い or 耳が低い). They are specific to certain qualities like height and intelligence.


This structure is commonly used in Japanese and sounds more natural than directly describing the feature. Instead of saying “マリアさんの髪は長いです (Maria’s hair is long),” it is more common to say “マリアさんは髪が長いです (Maria has long hair).”


Using the XはYがAdj.です (X wa Y ga Adj. desu) structure is a natural and effective way to describe physical features in Japanese.

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