Genki Grammar #46: Mastering Short Forms in Informal Speech

This image shows a family having a conversation using short forms.
Photo by National Cancer Institute on Unsplash


In this blog, we will learn about using short forms in informal speech. Short forms are often used among close friends or family members to show intimacy. Using long forms, on the other hand, can create a sense of distance.

What It Means 

The structure of short forms involves dropping certain endings or particles to make speech more casual. It’s like calling someone by their first name instead of using formal titles like “Mr.” or “Ms.”

When You Use It 

Use short forms when speaking with close friends or family. Avoid using them with strangers or in formal settings.


Between friends

A: あした、学校に行く?(Ashita, gakkou ni iku?) – Are you going to school tomorrow? 

B: ううん、行かない。(Uun, ikanai.) – No, I’m not.B: ううん、行かない。(Uun, ikanai.) – No, I’m not. 

To a stranger 

A: すみません、この電車は東京に行きますか。(Sumimasen, kono densha wa Toukyou ni ikimasu ka?) – Excuse me, does this train go to Tokyo? 

B: いいえ、行きませんよ。(Iie, ikimasen yo.) – No, it doesn’t.

Between a professor and a student

Professor: この漢字、わかる?(Kono kanji, wakaru?) – Do you know this kanji?
Student: はい、わかります。(Hai, wakarimasu.) – Yes, I do.

Casual conversation 

A: どんな音楽を聞く?(Donna ongaku o kiku?) – What kind of music do you listen to? (Rather than: どんな音楽を聞くか?)

Dropping in spoken language 

A: 元気?(Genki?) – Are you good? 

B: うん、元気。(Un, genki.) – Yes, I am. (Rather than: 元気だ。)

Keeping with or よ 

マリアさんは2年生だよ。(Maria-san wa ninen sei da yo.) – Maria is a sophomore.

Replacing はい and いいえ with うん and ううん 

A: よくスポーツする?(Yoku supootsu suru?) – Do you often play sports? 

B: うん、する。/ううん、しない。(Un, suru. / Uun, shinai.) – Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.


In casual speech, particles are often dropped, and we use a rising intonation to ask questions.
この漢字、わかる? not この漢字わかる?

When writing these sentences, we usually use a question mark.


Using short forms in informal speech helps create a sense of closeness and familiarity.

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