Genki Grammar #48: Mastering Short Forms in Quoted Speech: -to itteimashita

The image shows the phrase "DREAM BIG" written on a textured black surface, representing the use of と言いました (to iimashita) in Japanese, which means "said."
Photo by Randy Tarampi on Unsplash


In this post, we will learn how to use short forms in quoted speech with と言っていました (to itteimashita). This structure is used to report what someone said.

What It Means

To quote a person’s words, use the short form of the verb plus と言っていました (to itteimashita), which means “They said…”. This construction is useful for reporting what someone has said.

When You Use It

Use this structure when you want to report or quote what someone else has said. It is important to use the short form of the verb in the original statement.


りくさんは、あした試験があると言っていました。(Riku-san wa, ashita shiken ga aru to itteimashita.) – Riku said that there would be an exam tomorrow.

佐藤先生は結婚していないと言っていました。(Satou-sensei wa kekkon shiteinai to itteimashita.) – Professor Satou said that he is not married.





The phrase と言っていました (to itteimashita) indicates that you were present when the person made the statement, meaning “I heard them saying…”.

If you were not present when the statement was made, such as quoting a historical figure, use と言いました (to iimashita) instead. For example, “Napoleon said…” would be more appropriately expressed with と言いました (to iimashita).


Using short forms in quoted speech with と言っていました (to itteimashita) is essential for accurately reporting what someone else has said in Japanese. This structure helps convey whether you were present during the original statement or are quoting someone indirectly.

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