Genki Grammar #51: Mastering The Subject Particle ga

This image represents the subject particle が (ga) in Japanese.
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In this blog post, we will learn how to use the subject particle が (ga) in Japanese. This particle helps identify the subject of a sentence and is used to highlight new information. Understanding が is essential for clear and effective communication in Japanese.

What It Means

The subject particle が (ga) is used to mark the subject of a sentence, emphasizing the person or thing performing the action. This particle is especially important when introducing new information or answering questions.

When You Use It

Use が (ga) when you want to emphasize the subject of a sentence or when you are providing new information about the subject. It is also used with question words like だれ (dare, who) and 何 (nani, what).


Consider the sentence: マリアさんは沖縄に行きました。 (Maria-san wa Okinawa ni ikimashita.) – Maria went to Okinawa.

This sentence is about Maria and what she did. It is likely used when Maria has already been mentioned in the conversation.

Now, if you want to emphasize that it was Maria who went to Okinawa, you would say: マリアさんが沖縄に行きました。 (Maria-san ga Okinawa ni ikimashita.) – Maria went to Okinawa.

This emphasizes that Maria is the person who went to Okinawa, providing new information.

Question words like だれ (dare, who) and 何 (nani, what) are followed by が (ga) in the subject of a sentence. For example:

だれが沖縄に行きましたか。 (Dare ga Okinawa ni ikimashita ka?) – Who went to Okinawa? (Note: You cannot say だれは沖縄に行きましたか.)

Here are some more examples:

A: どのクラスがおもしろいですか。 (Dono kurasu ga omoshiroi desu ka?) – Which class is (the most) interesting?

B: 日本語のクラスがおもしろいです。 (Nihongo no kurasu ga omoshiroi desu.) – The Japanese class is interesting.

A: (このクラスで)だれがめがねをかけていますか。 (Kono kurasu de dare ga megane o kaketeimasu ka?) – Who wears glasses (in this class)?

B: 佐藤先生がめがねをかけています。 (Satou sensei ga megane o kaketeimasu.) – Professor Satou does.


Remember, a question word that is the subject of a sentence is always followed by が (ga), not は (wa). Additionally, the noun that provides the answer to such a question is also followed by が (ga).


Using the subject particle が (ga) correctly is crucial for emphasizing the subject and providing new information in Japanese sentences.

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