Genki textbook


Genki Grammar #80: Mastering -temiru

Discover how to use -てみる (-temiru) in Japanese to express the idea of trying something out. Genki Grammar #80: Mastering -temiru offers simple explanations and practical examples.
Journey to Japanese Mastery

Genki Grammar #79: Mastering -soudesu (It looks like…)

Understand how to use そうです in Japanese to describe what something looks like or seems based on your impressions. Genki Grammar #79: Mastering -soudesu (It looks like…) offers simple explanations and practical examples.
Journey to Japanese Mastery

Genki Grammar #78: Mastering -shi

Discover how to list multiple reasons in Japanese using the particle -shi. Genki Grammar #78: Mastering -shi provides clear explanations and examples to enhance your language skills.
Journey to Japanese Mastery

Genki Grammar #77: Mastering Potential Verbs

Discover the essentials of potential verbs in Japanese with our straightforward guide. Genki Grammar #77: Mastering Potential Verbs will help you express abilities and possibilities with ease.
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Genki Grammar #57: Mastering Qualifying Nouns with Verbs and Adjectives

Discover how to use verbs and adjectives to qualify nouns in Japanese. Enhance your sentences with detailed descriptions. Examples and tips included.
Journey to Japanese Mastery

Genki Grammar #45: Mastering Short Forms

In Genki Grammar #45, we explore the use of short forms in Japanese, perfect for informal conversations. Learn the difference between long and short forms, and how to conjugate verbs, adjectives, and nouns.
Journey to Japanese Mastery

Genki Grammar #43: Mastering Verb Stem + に行く

Discover how to use the Verb Stem + に行く structure to describe the purpose of movement in Japanese. Genki Grammar #43 offers simple explanations and practical examples to enhance your language skills.
Journey to Japanese Mastery

Genki Grammar #42: Mastering Adjective/Noun Te-forms for Joining Sentences

Learn how to use te-forms of adjectives and nouns to join sentences and describe multiple qualities or actions in Japanese. Genki Grammar #42 offers clear explanations and practical examples.
Journey to Japanese Mastery

Genki Grammar #41: Mastering X wa kami ga nagai desu

Discover how to use the structure XはYがAdj.です (X wa Y ga Adj. desu) to describe physical features in Japanese with Genki Grammar #41. Simple explanations and practical examples included.
Journey to Japanese Mastery

Genki Grammar #40: Mastering -teiru (Result of a Change)

Learn how to use -ている (-teiru) to describe the result of a change in Japanese with Genki Grammar #40. Clear explanations and practical examples provided.