Japanese Language

Journey to Japanese Mastery

Understanding -suru Verbs in Japanese

Mastering -suru verbs in Japanese can significantly boost your vocabulary. This guide explains how to use these verbs and their related nouns in different contexts.

Understanding Japanese Family Terms

Mastering Japanese family terms is essential for effective communication. This guide simplifies the usage of these terms in various contexts, helping you speak Japanese more accurately and respectfully.
Journey to Japanese Mastery

Genki Grammar #51: Mastering The Subject Particle ga

Learn how to use the Japanese subject particle が (ga) to emphasize subjects and introduce new information. Discover the key differences between が and は with examples and explanations.
Journey to Japanese Mastery

Genki Grammar #49: Mastering -nai de kudasai

Discover the usage of -nai de kudasai in Japanese to request others not to do specific actions. Learn how to use this polite phrase effectively with examples and notes.
Journey to Japanese Mastery

Genki Grammar #48: Mastering Short Forms in Quoted Speech: -to itteimashita

Discover how to use short forms in quoted speech with -to itteimashita. This Genki Grammar guide provides simple explanations and examples to help you quote someone's words accurately in Japanese.
Journey to Japanese Mastery

Genki Grammar #47: Mastering Short Forms in Quoted Speech: -to omoimasu

Discover how to use short forms in quoted speech with "-to omoimasu" in Japanese. This guide provides clear explanations and examples to help you master this essential grammar point.
Journey to Japanese Mastery

Genki Grammar #45: Mastering Short Forms

In Genki Grammar #45, we explore the use of short forms in Japanese, perfect for informal conversations. Learn the difference between long and short forms, and how to conjugate verbs, adjectives, and nouns.
Journey to Japanese Mastery

Genki Grammar #27: Mastering Adjectives (Past Tense)

Discover how to use Japanese adjectives in the past tense with Genki Grammar #27. Simplified rules and examples make learning easy for all levels.
Journey to Japanese Mastery

Genki Grammar #24: Mastering Takusan

Learn how to master the use of "takusan" (たくさん) to express quantity in Japanese with clear examples and explanations in this Genki Grammar #24 guide.
Journey to Japanese Mastery

Genki Grammar #15: Mastering -ませんか

Learn how to extend polite invitations in Japanese using "〜ませんか" with our easy-to-follow guide. Includes clear explanations and practical examples.