Using “uun” to Express Hesitation in Japanese

This image shows a person looking at their phone with a confused expression and a question mark above their head, representing the use of 'うーん' (uun) to indicate hesitation and reflection.
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In Japanese, the expression うーん (uun), with the long “u” sound, shows reflection and hesitation. It is often used when you can’t decide or when you need to give an answer that might not be what the other person wants to hear. Knowing how to use うーん (un) can help you sound more natural and polite in conversations.


Here are some examples to illustrate how うーん (u~n) is used:

1. Expressing Hesitation

When you are unsure or need to think about your response, you can use うーん (u~n):


付き合ってください。(Tsukiatte kudasai.) – Please go out with me.


うーん、お付き合いはちょっと…。(U~n, otsukiai wa chotto…) – Hmm, dating is a bit… (indirectly mention no.) (ちょっと indirectly means no.)

  • Explanation: In this example, うーん (u~n) indicates that B is hesitating and reflecting before giving an unfavorable answer.

2. Reflecting Before Answering

When you need time to think before responding, うーん (u~n) can show that you are considering your answer:


この映画、どう思いますか。(Kono eiga, dou omoimasu ka?) – What do you think of this movie?


うーん、ちょっと長すぎると思います。(U~n, chotto nagasugiru to omoimasu.) – Hmm, I think it’s a bit too long.

  • Explanation: Here, うーん (u~n) shows that B is taking a moment to reflect on their opinion about the movie.


Using うーん (uun) is a natural way to express hesitation and reflection in Japanese. It helps convey that you are thinking about your response and can soften the impact of an unfavorable answer. Practice using うーん (uun) in your conversations to sound more natural and polite. By mastering the use of うーん (uun), you will be able to communicate more effectively in Japanese, especially in situations where you need to show hesitation or give a thoughtful response.

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